Ruth Gledhill:
Read on for what Dean Colin Slee [of Southwark Cathedral] told The Times today.
‘I can say that female bishops have preached relatively recently in both Salisbury and Gloucester Dioceses and worn their mitres with the respective permission of the Diocesans.’
Regarding the two women bishops who processed with mitres at Southwark, Colin adds: ‘I was not present on either occasion, it would seem to me that permission from Lambeth (presumably that was George Carey) was not sought, or Lambeth made no fuss. Our Diocesan was however present when Anne [sic – Ann] Tottenham was here.‘It all goes to show what a silly boy I was to be properly courteous to the ABC and ask permission in the first place! But I can also say that my definition that an ‘Episcopal Act’ is consecrating, ordaining, confirming might have been a wiser course of action. AND I think the other hats in today’s Times are so much more fun.’
He’s talking about Ascot of course.
Read it all.
There’s also this distressing news from Ruth in the same post:
This will be the last post at the blog at Typepad. Articles of Faith is the first of The Times blogs to go permanently behind the paywall and onto a different platform.
The Times newspaper has recently also gone behind the paywall.
Anyone will to pay for our subscription?