A globetrot from Freetown to Osaka to Jerusalem to the virtual house of worship and elsewhere. All your catholic tastes could desire.
1. Did Wilberforce ask slaves rescued by the British Navy to stand in a crucified place for 14 years? Update Aug 7: A contrary reading.
2. Research could pave the way for advanced methods of enraging monkeys report monkey-annoyance experts.
3. What people look for on your homepage v. what’s there, university edition. Is there a church denomination edition?
4. Authorities in Jerusalem want the church of the Holy Sepulchre,to pay for water usage back to 1967.
6. Modern funerals – however painful – still have a beauty, a quiet dignity and a moral seriousness that is quite absent from many of the weddings that clergy get to take. Yet not only are there expensive wedding cakes, you can spend a lot on a funeral cake, too. On a more serious note, Anglicans Online this week takes a look at design-your-own secular funerals.