Canadian primate calls decision to let TEC stay ‘encouraging’

As we know a proposal to separate The Episcopal Church from the Anglican Communion was soundly rejected by the Standing Committee of the Anglican Communion meeting last week in London. It was learned learned last that a similar proposal failed in December prior to the consecration of Bishop Mary Glasspool, a lesbian in a permanent relationship.

The Anglican Journal today carries an article on the reaction Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada:

Hiltz told the Anglican Journal that he finds this decision “encouraging” and a step towards healing.

Commenting on the meeting’s results, Archbishop Hiltz, said, “For lots of people, it’s very encouraging because there was a lot of anxiety…,” said Archbishop Hiltz of the standing committee’s decision. “… It’s pretty clear, in spite of a request that the Episcopal Church be [asked] to leave, that that was one voice and everybody else said, ‘No, that’s not the way forward.’”

In June, Archbishop Hiltz had expressed concern that all voices in the Communion be heard. He said that whether people resign or are excluded, fewer voices at the table can be damaging.

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