Four people have been nominated for bishop of Western New York according to Episcopal News Service
The Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Western New York announced Aug. 16 a slate of four nominees for the diocese’s 11th bishop. They are:
the Rev. Michael N. Ambler Jr., 46, rector of Grace Episcopal Church in Bath, in the Episcopal Diocese of Maine;
the Very Rev. Canon Michael A. Bamberger, 55, rector of the Episcopal Church of the Ascension in Sierra Madre, California, in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles;
the Rev. R. William Franklin, 63, senior associate priest at St. Mark’s Church, Philadelphia, in the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania; and
the Very Rev. Canon Barbara J. Price, 60, rector of St. Peter’s Church in Eggertsville, New York, in the Episcopal Diocese of Western New York
More biographical information about the nominees is available here.
Buffalo News has the story here.