God in America on PBS

PBS’s series God in America begins tonight, and Hank Steuver of The Washington Post says it is worth watching:

“God in America,” a three-night joint production from “Frontline” and “American Experience” that begins Monday night, blends two subjects that most folks avoid in polite company — religion and politics. It compellingly presents an American history that has been alternately ruined and elevated by faith.

Even though the title suggests a subject that is far too broad, the series is commendably evenhanded and sober, as one would expect. If there were urgent-care centers for people who’ve flipped their lids watching too much Fox News or MSNBC, the nurses there would strap these frantic citizens to gurneys and administer “God in America” via a nice, slow IV drip, like a powerful PBS antibiotic. (As a side effect, “God in America” can also make the viewer a little drowsy.)

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