From the Rev. Ruth Meyers, chair of The Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music:
We are inviting members of The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion to help us know what resources are or have already been used in a congregational discernment process to welcome same-gender blessings and to prepare couples for a Christian life together and for a blessing ceremony.
As well, we need your help to know what materials might be helpful to congregations and clergy who might start a discernment process and consider welcoming the blessing of same-gender relationships and preparing those couples. Please help us by taking the survey – the link is below.Please share your approach, models, resources, thoughts etc. with us. Here is what to do: Go to
Why we are doing this…
The General Convention in 2009 asked that work be done regarding blessings for same-gender couples and asked that “the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music, in consultation with the House of Bishops, collect and develop theological and liturgical resources, and… devise an open process for the conduct of its work inviting participation from provinces, dioceses, congregations, and individuals who are engaged in such theological work. Our Task Group, in responding to this charge, is seeking information from the wider church about what people already are doing to prepare couples (same or different gender couples). We also want to know what materials/resources have been or might be helpful to a discernment process in a congregation about welcoming the blessing of same-gender couples as part of their Christian life and worship.
Why we want your input…
We do not want to re-invent the wheel! And we want to know what you need in order to do this ministry.
Please share your approach, models, resources, thoughts etc. with us. Here is what to do: Go to
For a hard copy contact
NOTE: The GC resolution asks us to look at material for the blessing of same-gender couples. Thus, that is the language all of our materials will use. We also recognize that there are places where same-gender couples can be married or have a civil-union; and that there are broad concerns throughout the church about blessings same-gender couples. We thank you for your help, understanding and support as we gather this information.
Please try to respond with your information no later than
NOVEMBER 18 – Hilda, Abbess of Whitby.