10 Steps for Churches to Navigate Tough Economy
By Steve McSwain in EthicsDaily.com
Since the 2008 economic collapse, a shift has been taking place in the American consciousness – from a culture of unlimited credit card debt and hefty mortgages to precisely the opposite of this mindset.
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Here are 10 things church leaders can do in these times:
Number 1: Church leadership should adjust to this “new normal” and “tighten its belt” on spending, debt service, salary increases and so on. They should be perceived by members as doing so without resistance or complaint by leaders.
In the next decade, churches and church leaders perceived to be addressing human needs, as well as the spiritual, local, global or “green” needs of the planet, will find people willing to support them. Those churches and leaders who possess an apocalyptic view of the future that focuses on escaping the challenges faced by humans and the planet will be increasingly marginalized and will accelerate their own decline.
Number 2: As a matter of practice, make sure you say “thank you” for member support at least three times as often as you say things like, “We need your help.”