Word came yesterday that Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams will in fact preside at the marriage ceremony of Prince William and Kate Middleton on April 29, 2011.
The Church of England’s senior cleric might not have landed the job quite as easily as you’d think, seeing as how Bishop of London Richard Chartres is a close friend of the family and spiritual mentor to Prince Charles. It turns out Chartres will preach.
To whom, then, do the duties of traditional premarital counseling fall? Risk-management and insurance expert Lloyds of London?
We all get a little tongue-tied in the pulpit, but the administration of vows, which we’ve all heard a million times, can still be tricky for overly nervous types, or just your standard-issue unintelligible types (whether heavily bearded or just heavily muttonchopped). Let’s just hope Rowan Williams doesn’t channel Rowan Atkinson.