Nominations open for elections at General Convention 2012

ENS reports that Nominations for membership on seven bodies or positions to be elected at the Episcopal Church’s General Convention in 2012 are now being accepted by the Joint Standing Committee on Nominations.

Bishops, priests, deacons and lay persons may be nominated, according to a press release from the church’s Office of Public Affairs. The nominees are not required to be current or former General Convention deputies.

The elections will be held during the 77th meeting of General Convention July 5 – 12, 2012 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Deadline for nominations is February 22, 2011.

The positions up for election are:

• Disciplinary Board for Bishops: two lay persons and two priests or deacons elected by the House of Deputies; 10 bishops elected by the House of Bishops; six-year terms. (see note below)

• Executive Council: six lay persons, two priests or deacons, two bishops; six-year terms.

• General Board of Examining Chaplains: three lay persons, three faculty members of theological seminaries or other educational institutions, three priests or deacons with pastoral cures or specialized ministries, two bishops; six-year terms. (House of Bishops elects; House of Deputies confirms.)

• Secretary of the House of Deputies: one position; three-year term.

• Treasurer of the General Convention: one position; three-year term.

• Trustee of the Church Pension Fund: twelve positions; six-year terms.

• Trustee of General Theological Seminary: two lay persons and two priests or deacons, elected by the House of Deputies; two bishops elected by the House of Bishops; three-year term.

More information about each office and details about service in each office are available here.

h/t to Jim Simons

Note: The appointments for the Disciplinary Board for Bishops have been made and will be acted on at the next Executive Council meeting. Appointments are due to the date the Canon goes into effect which is in 2011. See the description below:


Term of office: 6 years staggered terms; Number to be elected: 2 lay persons this Convention (4 lay persons total); 2 priests or deacons this Convention (4 presbyters or deacons total); 10 bishops. (HOD elects 2 lay persons and 2 priests or deacons at the Convention in 2012. HOB elects bishops at any regular meeting of the House of Bishops.)

Position Description: (Title IV, Canon 17, Section 3) “The Disciplinary Board for Bishops is hereby established as a court of the Church to have original jurisdiction over matters of discipline of Bishops, to hear Bishops’ appeals from imposition of restriction on ministry or placement on Administrative Leave and to determine venue issues as provided in Canon IV.19.5. The Disciplinary Board for Bishops shall consist of ten Bishops elected at any regularly scheduled meeting of the House of Bishops, and four Priests or Deacons and four lay persons initially appointed by the President of the House of Deputies with the advice and consent of the lay and clergy members of the Executive Council and thereafter elected by the House of Deputies. All lay persons appointed to serve shall be confirmed adult communicants in good standing. Members of the Board shall serve staggered terms of six years, with terms of one half of the Bishops and one half of the lay persons, Priests and Deacons collectively expiring every three years, with the first expirations occurring at the end of the year 2012.” Lay persons subsequently elected shall be confirmed adult communicants in good standing.

Explanation: Since this Canon goes into effect July 1, 2011, the President of the House of Deputies will initially appoint 4 lay persons and 4 priests or deacons (2 in each Order for a six year term and 2 in each Order for a three year term). Those appointed to three year terms will have their terms expire the end of 2012, with persons elected at the 2012 General Convention to replace them. Those appointed to six year terms will continue until the end of 2015, with persons elected at the 2015 General Convention to replace them. There is no limitation on terms so persons elected may succeed themselves if reelected. More information here

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