Most commented posts by month

Last week we gave you the most viewed posts of the year 2010 on the Cafe.

Today we give you the posts in The Lead that drew the most comment by month in 2010. (We value the comments to our posts at Facebook equally, but don’t have a way to do an easy retrospective. Do check out our Facebook presence to follow the comments there or make your own.)

January. ABC’s visitors to Canada on “aberrations south of the border” drew 27 comments, well more than any other post that month.

February. Union cleaners out, non-union in at 815 received 41 comments.

March. Drawing lines in the sand (r.e. The Diocese of South Carolina preparing to vote on resolutions designed to further distance themselves from the rest of the Episcopal Church) garnered 22 comments.

April. Does trite music block us from God? drew 20 comments.

May. What if we are asked to dis-invite ourselves again?, 24 comments. But there were several in the 22 and 23 comment range on topics like: who’s the leader of TEC?, breastfeeding in church, the Glasspool consecration, and the ABC’s Pentecost reaction.

June. A Pastoral Letter to The Episcopal Church from the Presiding Bishop (including these sentences: “We live in great concern that colonial attitudes continue, particularly in attempts to impose a single understanding across widely varying contexts and cultures. We note that the cultural contexts in which The Episcopal Church’s decisions have generated the greatest objection and reaction are also often the same contexts where women are barred from full ordained leadership, including the Church of England.” At The Lead the PB’s letter drew 44 comments. The most in 2010.

June had several other posts drawing over 20 comments, including Kearon executing Rowan’s punishment of The Episcopal Church, and Mitregate.

July. Archbishops’ amendment fails (The amendment put forward by the ABC and ABY to soften the provision for women bishops so as to appeal to opponents of women bishops has been debated and failed to pass General Synod.

July was also the month of the Jeffrey John kerfuffle.

August. Two posts were in a near tie: NY Bishop Mark Sisk on Islamic Center (22 comments), and Anne Rice uses Facebook to break up with Christianity (21 comments).

August was also the month of the Bennison reinstatement. We had several posts and the topic may well have had the greatest number of comments collectively.

September. Dan Martins and Resolution C-056 received 34 comments.

October. A video of the PB, The PB on Leadership, received 25 comments. Another heavily commented post was on the PB’s “suicide by governance” remark. This was also the month the Southern Cone got its hand slap from Kearon and our two posts got comment. Second most commented (22 comments) was a post of Epting’s thoughts on the covenant.

November. There was a two-way tie, each receiving 23 comments. One post was another of the “my music is better than yours” variety. And the ABC wrote to the primates – we will meet, in separate rooms if necessary. It was a month with more on CoE women bishops, lots of covenant opinion, and Gafcon’s pie in the ABC’s face (r.e. covenant).

December. Are there limits to protest speech? (Fred Phelps’ disciples from Westboro Baptist have announced their intention to picket Elizabeth Edwards’ funeral this weekend.) received 33 comments.

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