Statements by Bishop Anis and Pope Shenouda

16 February 2011

Statement from the Episcopal/Anglican Diocese of Egypt

with North Africa and the Horn of Africa

Our beloved country Egypt is going through a critical time which requires all of us to be united, working together in order to achieve “freedom, democracy and social equality” which are at the heart of the Youth Revolution of 25 January 2011. Without achieving these goals, the Revolution will have been mere words. Therefore, with strong hands, hopeful hearts and with patience, we all need to work each in our own field, until Egypt becomes a developed democratic country. Only then will Egypt regain its pioneering place in the Middle East, a position it has held over the centuries.

We are pleased with the decision of the Minister of Interior to reinstate the motto of the police: “Police in the service of the People.” We hope and trust that the police will make their motto a reality, actively providing a real service to citizens, not just monitoring them. On the other hand, we as citizens need to rebuild our trust in the police, start a new page, and work together for the sake of our beloved country Egypt.

We appreciate the role of the High Council of the Egyptian Army in achieving the dreams of our great nation, that Egypt would become a secular and democratic country in which all of its citizens enjoy their rights which will be guaranteed by the new Constitution.

The Most Rev. Dr. Mouneer H. Anis

Bishop of the Episcopal / Anglican Diocese of Egypt

with North Africa and the Horn of Africa

President Bishop of the Episcopal / Anglican

Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East


The most recent provincial newsletter contains a statement to its members from Anis:

My Dear Friends,

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

As I write these lines, there is a new spirit among Egyptians. It is a spirit of anticipation and hope for a new future for a new Egypt. Yesterday people started to sweep and clean Tahrir Square after 18 days of demonstrations. If this can tell us anything, it tells us that Egyptians now have a sense of ownership for their country.

In these last three weeks, Egypt was like a woman labour experiencing pain and about to deliver something new. One of the banks in Egypt calculated the financial loss that Egypt lost with 310 million USD per day. Many people lost their jobs because many overseas companies closed down. Life was paralyzed and small business people were not able to do their business. It will take a long time for Egypt to recover, but the new Egypt is now born and I can see determination in the eyes of our people, to build up the country once again.

My prayer and hope is that the church would play a more active role with all Egyptians in shaping the future of Egypt. I hope that Christians would be more positive in the election of the new President and cooperate with the new government to fight corruption.

Above all, I pray that we would continue to share the Good News of Jesus Christ! I request

your prayers at this pivotal time in the life of our beloved country Egypt.

May the Lord bless you!

Yours in Christ,

+Mouneer Egypt

The Most Rev. Dr. Mouneer H

A similar statement from Pope Shenouda of the Coptic Church is beneath the fold.


The Coptic Church would like to congratulate the integrity of the Egyptian Youth of the 25th of January that has led Egypt in a strong, white revolution. Many lived were sacrificed for Egypt; the blood was she of many martyrs from this nation; they have been honored by the leaders and the Armed forces. All Egyptians also honored these martyrs; we would also like to pay our condolences to their families and relatives.

The Coptic Church would like to congratulate the Egyptian Army and its leaders on the issuing of the statements for the protection of Egypt domestically and internationally. We stand by its decision in relieving the parliament and for trying to replace the order.

We believe that Egypt should be a civilian democratic country, to have the ability to choose its members of the parliament through fair elections, and to be representative of all peoples of the Egypt.

We stand behind Egypt in fighting poverty, corruption, unemployment and the resistance of mischief and damage. Also in putting in place peace and safety and principles of equality between all people and national unity, and prosecuting all those who have broken the law.

The Coptic Church prays for our great nation of Egypt, which has had a vast history and civilization. And we ask that our lord protect it and spread peace, safety, stability and blessings.

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