I seldom think that the resolutions are the most interesting part of a diocesan convention; nonetheless, they are worth reporting. We passed one on gender equity, one on studying the impact of slavery, one on immigration, one supporting the Millennium Development Goals, and one on the upcoming meeting of the Primates in February. The first four are lurking beneath the continue reading tab. The fifth one will appear in an item I will post in a few minutes.
The highlight of the convention were a presentation this morning by Diana Butler Bass on her research on church growth and vitality–( She doesn’t speak from a text, so I am afraid you will have to wait for the special convention issue of the Washington Window to learn about her presentation.); and the speech given last night by the Rev. Stuart Kenworthy, rector of Christ Church, Georgetown in accepting the Bishop’s Award. Stuart returned in August from serving as a military chaplain in Iraq. We hope to have that one online for you by the middle of next week.
12 Submitted by: The Rev. Nan Arrington Peete; Rose M. Longmire; Meigan Chan; the Rev. Carlyle
13 Gill; Inez Thomas; Mabel N. Washington; Gloria Becker; Paula Singleton; Gloria Brown;
14 Margaret H. Gordon; Doris Attridge; Joanna Bergsten; Eulelia W. Smith; Karen A. Chane;
15 Novella F. Wright; Leslyn Aaron; the Rev. Julie Murdoch; the Rev. Sarabeth Goodwin; the Rev.
16 Susan N. Blue; the Rev. Anne Bathhurst Gilson; the Rev. Nancy Lee Jose; the Rev. Caroline
17 Fairless, St. James’, Bowie; the Rev. Canon Mary Sulerud; the Rev. Betty McWhorter; the Rev.
18 Joan Beilstein; the Rev. Stephen Huber; the Rev. Hugh E. Brown, III, St. Thomas’,
19 Prince George’s County; Gerry Connolly, Christ Church, Washington Parish;
20 Emerson Markham; David McCahan; Bill Page; Daniel Page.
21 RESOLVED that the One Hundred Twelfth Convention of the Diocese of
22 Washington endorse, ratify, and implement Resolution 13/31 adopted by the Anglican
23 Consultative Council at its meeting in Nottingham, England in June 2005 stating that
24 there should be equal participation of women and men on all decision-making bodies
25 of the Anglican Consultative Council and that all Provinces of the Communion should
26 work to achieve that goal; and it further
27 RESOLVED that the Convention urge and encourage that all nominations
28 and appointments to diocesan decision-making committees, commissions, agencies
29 and boards, reflect this commitment to gender equity; and be it further
30 RESOLVED that the Convention urge and encourage all congregations and other
31 institutions to work toward the same goal of equal participation of women and men
32 on all their decision-making committees, commissions, agencies and boards;
33 and be it further
34 RESOLVED that the Diocese of Washington urges the United States Senate to ratify
35 the 1979 United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
36 Discrimination Against Women.
124 Submitted by John Vanderstar, St. Columba’s, Deputy to General Convention
125 and Member of Executive Council.
126 RESOLVED, that the One Hundred Twelfth Convention of the Diocese of Washington
127 endorse Resolutions A123 and A127, copies of which are attached, that were enacted
128 by General Convention in 2006; and be it further
129 RESOLVED, that this Diocese accept the Fifth Resolve of GC Resolution A123,
130 which
131 “urge(s) every Diocese to collect and document during the next triennium detailed
132 information in its community on (a) the complicity of the Episcopal Church in the
133 institution of slavery and in the subsequent history of segregation and discrimination
134 and (b) the economic benefits the Episcopal Church derived from the institution
135 of slavery…” and assigns this task to the Committee on Racial Reconciliation
136 established by Diocesan Council; and be it further
137 RESOLVED, that this Diocese accept the challenge of the Sixth Resolve of GC
138 Resolution A123, which seeks information and ideas on “how the Church can
139 be ‘repairer of the breach’ (Isaiah 58:12), both materially and relationally, and achieve
140 the spiritual healing and reconciliation that will lead us to a new life in Christ,”
141 and assigns this task as well to the Committee on Racial Reconciliation
Diocesan Council; and be it further
142 RESOLVED, that the Committee on Racial Reconciliation
Diocesan Council send copies of its reports
143 on the foregoing subjects to the Anti-Racism Committee of the national Executive
144 Council.
274 Submitted by: The Reverend Simon Bautista, Latino Missioner on behalf of the
275 Committee on Latino Ministry.
276 RESOLVED, that the One Hundred Twelfth Convention of the Diocese
277 of Washington endorse Resolution A017, enacted by General Convention in 2006,
278 which calls the church to commit to welcoming strangers as a matter of Christian
279 responsibility and to advocate for their wellbeing and protection; and be it further
280 RESOLVED, that the Convention extend the principle of Resolution A017
281 and deplore any action by any state or local government that unduly emphasizes
282 enforcement as the primary response to immigrants in our midst; and be it further
283 RESOLVED, that the Convention ask the Committee on Latino Ministry to provide
284 educational materials for use throughout the diocese as called for in Resolution A-017;
285 and be it further
286 RESOLVED, that the Convention condemn actions by individuals, groups,
287 or institutions to harass the strangers among us or those who would befriend
288 and assist them, rather than apply biblical principles of hospitality; and be it further
289 RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be sent to the President of the United
290 States, Members of Congress from the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Northern
291 Virginia, members of the county councils of Charles, Montgomery, Prince George’s,
292 and St. Mary’s counties, and members of city councils within these counties.
Presenters: The Rev. Alison J. Quin, Clergy Delegate, St. Nicholas Darnestown; the Rev. Kenneth Howard, Clergy Delegate, St. Nicholas Darnestown; Mr. David Maglott, Lay Delegate, St. Nicholas Darnestown; the Rev. Cindy Baskin, Clergy Delegate, St. James Potomac; the Rev. Elton Smith, Associate Rector, St. James Potomac; Mr. Dan Zimmerman, Lay Delegate St. James Potomac; Mr. John G. Miers, Lay Delegate, St. James Potomac and Member of Council; Ms. Margaret Hilton, Lay Delegate, St. John’s Norwood.
RESOLVED, that the One Hundred and Twelfth Convention of the Diocese of Washington affirm work on the Millennium Development Goals as a mission priority; and urges congregations and individuals to educate themselves about the Millennium Development Goals and the role of the Episcopal Church in implementing them; and be it further
RESOLVED, the Convention urge each congregation and each individual in the Diocese to commit to giving 0.7% of their income toward the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals in keeping with Resolution DO22 of the 75th General Convention; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Convention ask the Bishop, either directly or through designees, to make recommendations to the One Hundred and Thirteenth Convention of the Diocese of Washington as to how the Diocese can most effectively implement Resolution DO22, including ways in which those working to implement the Millennium Development Goals may coordinate their efforts.