When it comes to food pantries and to feeding the hungry, we wonder if this is a notable trend. (Our emphasis added.)
On Monday it’s at Living Free Ministries. Tuesdays it’s Foote Street Church of Christ. Wednesdays it’s a Bible study at Crosswind Ministry. Other faith-based organizations offer food throughout the rest of the week.
The faith communities staggered their services this way so they wouldn’t waste or duplicate resources.
“I’d starve to death if it wasn’t for these churches feeding,” said Jesse Pollack, a 52-year-old ex-con who, despite a lifetime of experience doing automotive and plumbing repairs, can’t find enough steady work to keep himself in groceries because of his record.
Is this level of collaboration among social service providers and other helping agencies a commonality or a rarity in your community? Chime in here, or read the whole story at nems360.com.