It’s been sort of slow the past few Saturdays, but today the Saturday collection is back with three stories of local ministry and parish events worth noting.
First there’s a lovely photo album of happy faces making origami cranes at St. James in Clinton NY. Parishioners there are taking part in an event to raise money for relief work in Japan:
“An ancient Japanese legend states that anyone who folds a thousand cranes will be granted a wish. All donations and sale proceeds will be sent to MercyCorps who is working in cooperation with partner agency, Peace Winds, to provide emergency supplies to families evacuated from homes in four tsunami-stricken cities in Japan.”
Pictures here.
Episcopalians from St. Stephens in Fairview PA joined other Christians from around Erie in attending a Seder at Congregation Brith Sholom that was held to educate the wider community about the meaning of Passover.
And of course, you’ve probably heard about a Royal Wedding that’s happening in a couple of weeks. Episcopalians, along with many other people here in the US are making plans to watch the festivities together and to toast the happy couple. In Chicago,
At the Episcopal Church of Our Saviour in Lincoln Park, parishioners plan to watch the ceremony live while drinking tea and eating scones in the parish hall — just as they did when Prince Charles married Lady Diana.
Though it looks like the big invitation will be the Chicago Consul-General’s digs the day after the wedding where a very British celebration will take place (smoked salmon, British beers and Scotch whiskey).