This thought-provoking reflection by the Rev. Canon Frank Logue caught our attention, “What are your church’s two signatures?”
Your Church’s Two Signatures
In Frank Logue’s “Loose Canon” blog
What do people in your community know about your congregation? I’m not asking about those who have attended the church or know someone who is a member. What about your neighbors who go to another church? Or the neighbors who do not attend any church? We want to be known for Word and Sacrament-our meaningful liturgy and thought-provoking preaching. But those who do not attend will know us in other ways. This includes those members that they know personally whose lives can be the greatest attractor (or detractor) for those who know them. Yet, there are two other ways you can become known. The first is through signature events, which I will write about this week. Then I will follow up with the second, and probably most important signature next week.
Signature Events
There should be community events in which your church take part that are not your event. For Trinity, Statesboro, amd other congregations in the Diocese of Georgia, this includes taking part in Relay for Life. The church’s participation is visible, but this is a Cancer Society event. Taking part is a great idea, but this is not what I mean. For Trinity, the concerts offered in the church are more significant. They are announced on Georgia Public Radio frequently and so keep the congregation’s name on the public ear (lapsed Methodists who listen to NPR are known easy targets for an Episcopal Church).
Your Church’s Second Signature
Last week, I wrote about the importance of having a signature event for which your congregation is known by those who do not attend the church (see below for previous column). These are the events circled on the calendar of some folk who never attend your church. This week, I want to move to the second signature for which your church is known-a signature ministry.
Signature Ministry
There should be ministries with which your congregation is involved that are not a ministry of the church itself. For a number of our congregations, this includes Habitat for Humanity. Our churches have sponsored whole houses, or sponsored a house with other churches. This also is typically through a community-wide effort.
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