Received via email from the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin:
The Rt. Rev. Chester Talton, Bishop of San Joaquin, has authorized, “blessings of same gender civil marriages, domestic partnerships, and relationships which are lifelong committed relationships characterized by `fidelity, monogamy, mutual affection and respect, careful, honest communication, and the holy love which enables those in such relationships to see in each other the image of God.’ ”
Other documents:
Concerning the Service of Sacred Union and Blessing
See press release below:
• The Rt. Rev. Chester Talton, Bishop of San Joaquin 212-247-2162, 209-576-0104
• The Rev. Canon Kathleen Cullinane, Canon to the Ordinary;; 209-576-0104
• Diocesan Office: 209-576-0104
• Michael Glass, Esq., Chancellor;; 415-454-8485
• Diocesan Website:
June 7, 2011
Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin Authorizes Blessing of Sacred Unions
The Rt. Rev. Chester Talton, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin, has authorized the blessing of sacred unions by the clergy in the Diocese as of Sunday, June 12. Following consideration by the Equality Commission of the diocese, “the clergy in the Diocese of San Joaquin may perform blessings of same gender civil marriages, domestic partnerships, and relationships which are lifelong committed relationships characterized by `fidelity, monogamy, mutual affection and respect, careful, honest communication, and the holy love which enables those in such relationships to see in each other the image of God.’ ”
This decision is in part a response to a 2009 resolution of the General Convention of the Episcopal Church, stating “bishops, particularly those in dioceses within civil jurisdictions where same-gender marriage, civil unions, or domestic partnerships are legal, may provide generous pastoral response to meet the needs of members of this Church.” In October of 2009, at its Annual Convention, the Diocese of San Joaquin adopted the resolution supporting of the General Convention of The Episcopal Church. Following the Annual Convention in 2010, the Commission on Equality, along with Bishop Lamb, who was the provisional bishop at that time, hosted a forum on the issue of blessing same gender unions. The forum was well attended and the sense of the forum was that the Diocese is ready to take the next step in full inclusion and support the blessing of these unions.
A full copy of Bishop Talton’s letter can be found at here.
More documents here.