The Episcopal Church of Scotland has been meeting in general synod these past three days. Most of their work would be familiar to anyone who’s attended a General Convention meeting: passing of budgets, statements of concern on various topics and decisions about the nuts and bolts of national church life. But one topic discussed is of particular interest to Episcopalians on this side of the pond, their coming decision about the Anglican Covenant.
Friday the Synod spent some time to talk about the issue.
The afternoon started with an overview of the Anglican Covenant process and its context by the Primus and an overview of its content by the Rev Canon Dr Michael Fuller. Synod then met in Indaba groups to discuss the Anglican Covenant. There then followed a wide range of comments on the Anglican Covenant from the floor of Synod.
A small article in Edinburgh Scotsman reports that
“The Most Rev David Chillingworth said: “The prize is a global church held together by the richest of aspiration and the most minimal of structure.
“But we are human – the question is whether we need some structure and some boundaries to help us to live up to that aspiration.”
Tobias Haller takes issue with that whole line of thinking:
If a global church is the prize, I’ll take what’s behind door number two.
If I aspired to be part of a global church there’s one down the block. And I’ve always thought inspiration was more important than aspiration.
Follow the link above to Tobias’ blog to watch the video commentary he suggests sums the whole idea up of how the Covenant is being adopted and read the rest.