Beauty queen terror

Cathy Grossman in USAToday reports on the fears of beauty pageant contestants:

The beauty queen gig is hard work if you can get it. Not only must you rock a bikini, now you have to think on your stilettos with the social values savvy of a pol running for office. Answering ‘world peace’ to every question, like the running gag in Miss Congeniality, won’t cut it any more.


pageant pro Keith Lewis, who directs the extravaganzas in California, New York and New Hampshire, told Fox:

The girls are scared to death. They witnessed with Carrie Prejean how a firestorm can create a road kill, and nobody wants to be part of a situation like that again … The girls are concerned that there is a right or wrong answer. Polarizing questions often create a situation where you suffer … if you agree, and if you do not. The girls need to answer in a way that brings them to a common ground.”

…if you can strut in a bikini and stilettos, and simper in a fishtail gown, why would you quake at a mere question? Unless… unless they ask the God question. Could an out front atheist conquer the crown?

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