Recommended online resources for studying the Bible

With the explosion of resources of all sorts online, it would be of no surprise to anyone that there is a lot to find there (here) about the Bible. Dr. Stephen Cook of Virginia Theological Seminary pointed us to this list of great Bible resources online. Check them out, and suggest your own!

25 Amazing and Free Online Resources for Biblical Studies

Catherine Elson at The Divining Blog

The Word of God can be shrouded in mystery sometimes — even for those who have decided to follow the ministry as a career. However, you don’t have to remain in darkness. The scriptures offer the light to those who seek it, and Bible study can be a great way to better understand God’s will for you, as well as His will for the world.

You don’t have to attend a divinity program to learn about the Bible. In fact, there are plenty of free online resources for Bible study. If you are looking for a way to enhance your scripture study, here are 25 amazing — and free — online resources for Bible study:

Hat-tip to Dr. Stephen Cook at BIBLISCHE AUSBILDUNG

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