Y’all come

If Web traffic is any indication, there’s intense interest in our Anglican infighting. We had almost 10,000 visits from more than 6,250 users, our biggest day by a significant margin. If any of you were new visitors, I hope you will also check out our diocesan Web site, especially our diocesan movie, and our spirituality site, where you can find short daily readings, that you might find helpful in your prayer life, and audio visual meditations that help you create a little window for God in the midst of your work day. We’ve also got Lenten resources.

If you are interested in exploring the Episcopal Church, you can learn about the churches in our diocese here, and in other dioceses here.

If you aren’t new, and have been hanging around these parts for awhile, I appreciate it. Can I ask you consider supporting Daily Episcopalian by making a contribution to the bishop’s appeal?

Thanks for coming. Back to our regularly scheduled kvetching and press criticism in a little while.

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