Carmina the cathedral cat: RIP

carmina.jpgNews from the National Cathedral via Religion News Service blog about the latest sad event for the cathedral. From the cathedral email:

We are saddened to tell you that the Cathedral Choral Society’s beautiful kitty, Carmina Chanté Schumann, was fatally struck by a car on Woodley Rd. on Tuesday evening, November 1. Witnesses reported that she was frightened by a dog and ran into the street.

Carmina has entertained everyone in the Cathedral Library since June 2010, when she was adopted from an animal shelter. She received special attention at the Cathedral’s Blessing of the Animals service that October. Although her principal caretakers were the Cathedral Choral Society staff, she had a great many friends around the close who will miss her. She is listed on our personnel roster as Morale Officer, and she attended staff meetings regularly. Her most recent activities included gamboling behind the chain-link fence and bringing us presents she had captured along South Rd. It is unlikely that her position will be filled.

A memorial tribute will be planned for a later date to be announced.

Requiescat in pace.

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