Church of England diocese votes NO on the Covenant

Lesley Crawley reports that the synod of the Diocese of St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich of the Church of England has voted against the Covenant. The synod tally as of today is split 2 for – 2 against.

From the Diocesan Website:

The motion to be voted on is: “That this Synod approve the draft Act of Synod adopting the Anglican Communion Covenant”.

In order to assist the debate the following two papers are available:

Paper DS(11)P14a – The Anglican Covenant – A Positive View- FAQ’s prepared by the Rt Revd Gregory K. Cameron, Bishop of St Asaph, Secretary of the Covenant Design Group, 2006-2009.

Paper DS(11)P14b – 10 Reasons Why the Proposed Anglican Covenant is a Bad Idea – prepared by the Rt Revd Peter Selby, the retired Bishop of Worcester.

Following the debate members will be invited to vote by houses by show of hands.

Relevant documentation can be found using the link below and includes:

The Anglican Communion Covenant: Reference of the Draft Act of Synod to the Diocesan Synods 2010 (GS Misc 971)

A briefing paper from the Faith and Order Commission (GS Misc 966) and

The draft Act of Synod (GS 1809)

The above documents are available from the Church of England website.

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