Merry Christmas from all of us at The Lead.
From our bloggers:
Torey Lightcap (Wednesdays): May all the craziness, prayer, and fortitude you found during this year now past be fodder for the best year yet. We give great thanks for the King born into such great humility.
Andrew Gerns (Fridays): My prayer is that we see the face of Christ born and died and risen in the faces of all the people God gives to us. My prayer is also that we might have the grace to somehow be Christ’s face to people seeking God.
Ann Fontaine (Tuesdays): May the blessings of Christmas surround you and hold you throughout the new year.
Jim Naughton (Mondays): Comfort, gentle readers. Joy.
Kurt Wiesner (Thursdays): May the gift of God’s presence with us all be seen again this Christmas time and throughout the new year. Peace.
Nick Knisely (Saturdays): May Jesus who came to us in weakness, so strengthen us in ours, that we can be the people who proclaim, by our lives, that the Light has come into the World.
*Thanks to Larry Graham for the photo shop.