Therapy almost never changes sexual orientation, proponent says

Denominations that are aggressively opposed to including lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Christians in the life of the church frequently assert that LGBT people are simply failed heterosexuals who need to discover their true natures. But, as Warren Throckmorton reports, even those in the orientation changing business say that this almost never happens.

Here is Alan Chambers, president of Exodus International:

The majority of people that I have met, and I would say the majority meaning 99.9% of them have not experienced a change in their orientation or have gotten to a place where they could say that they could never be tempted or are not tempted in some way or experience some level of same-sex attraction. I think there is a gender issue there, there are some women who have challenged me and said that my orientation or my attractions have changed completely. Those have been few and far between. The vast majority of people that I know will experience some level of same-sex attraction.

Intellectually honest opponents of full inclusion need to acknowledge the dismal rates of success of reparative therapy.

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