Rhode Island announces bishop slate

The Diocese of Rhode Island announces its preliminary slate of nominees for election as their next bishop:

The Rev. Kurt Dunkle, 50, rector, Grace Episcopal Church, Orange Park, Florida (Diocese of Florida)

The Rev. Cathy George, 55, currently on a writing sabbatical; former priest-in-charge, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Dorchester, Massachusetts (Diocese of Massachusetts)

The Very Rev. Nicholas Knisely, 51, dean, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Phoenix, Arizona (Diocese of Arizona);

The Rev. Ledlie Laughlin, 52, rector, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Diocese of Pennsylvania)

The Rev. Jennifer Pedrick, 45, rector, Church of the Epiphany, Rumford, Rhode Island (Diocese of Rhode Island)

Beginning at 9 a.m. 0n Sunday, March 11, and continuing through 5 p.m. on March 25, additional nominees may be added by petition. For a complete list of requirements and forms for nominating individuals by petition, visit the Petition Candidates Resource page.

The Café offers prayers for all who have allowed their names to go forward and noting especially our Café team member, Nick.

Links to more information at the Diocesan web site.

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