Are the amendments a step too far?

Debate on amendments to the Church of England Act of Synod which will enable appointment of women as bishops continues. Thinking Anglicans reports on several viewpoints. Will the amendments be a step to far for supporters of full equality of women in the episcopate? Will it bring any anti-women as bishops voters to support the Act?

GRAS (Group for Rescinding the Act of Synod) has issued a press release.

GRAS is deeply disturbed by the outcome of the recent House of Bishops meeting, particularly the amendment to Clause 5. This is being presented as a minor tweak, when in fact it pushes the Draft Measure beyond an acceptable level of generosity and compromise. The Measure that a huge majority of Dioceses voted in favour of was an extensive dilution from the Single Clause Measure that would have been the true and simple way to ensure full legal equality for men and women bishops. These final amendments from the House of Bishops send a further signal of disparagement to women of the Church of England. Women are once again expected to sacrifice the hope and expectation of being considered equal with their brothers in the eyes of the church. It also sends a dispiriting message that future women bishops are not trusted to minister to their parishes and clergy with generosity, grace and pastoral sensitivity…

Rachel Hartland has blogged Let us make the best of things – let us progress (towards women in the episcopate).

… If the measure is not supported by WATCH and therefore not passed at General Synod (and yes I believe the link is that strong), it will be a retrograde step, and damage both the future ministry of women and possibly the future chances of seeing women in the episcopate in the Church of England.

If this measure is passed at General Synod (with the support of WATCH) then that will be progress

Read more links here.

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