UPDATE #3 The resolution that passed in formal session say, in essence:
We have rejected the proposed Covenant, but subscribed to Sections 1, 2 and 3 as a useful starting point for consideration of our Anglican understanding of the church.
We have affirmed the commitment of the ACANZP to the life of the Communion, including the roles and responsibilities of the four Instruments as they currently operate.
We have asked the ACC reps to bring a motion to ACC-15 affirming that those churches which can’t adopt the Covenant remain full members of the Communion.This church has committed itself, if another church in the Communion raises concerns regarding actions it takes or proposes to take, to utilizing procedures similar to those in Section 3 of the proposed Covenant, in an attempt to resolve that issue.
UPDATE #2 – formal rejection of Covenant section 4, 1-3 subscribed to as helpful starting point for discussions. (ed. note: subscribe is not an option in the adoption process- so not sure what NZ means)
UPDATE: Anglican Church of Province of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia has decided in Committee of the Whole to reject the Anglican Covenant but to subscribe to sections 1-3 as a starting point for understanding the nature of the Communion. From Facebook. Vote still to be taken during formal session.
More at Liturgy
As General Convention meets in Indianapolis, the Anglican Church of the Province of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia is holding their synod in Fiji and the Church of England begins its synod on Monday.
From Fiji
TIKANGA PAKEHA (one of the 3 divisions within the Province, Tikanga Maori, Tikanga Pakeha, Tikanga Pasifika, each with an Archbishop, presented its Strategic Plan for Theological Education which incorporates the 5 Marks of Mission:
TPMC has developed a Strategic Plan over several years and is based on ministry and mission already being undertaken in the Dioceses. The resulting priorities are used to guide all Tikanga Pakehafunding applications.
•Tell – to proclaim the Good news of God’s realm
•Teach – to teach, baptise and nurture new believers
•Tend – to respond to human need by loving service
•Transform – to seek to transform the unjust structures of society
•Treasure – to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of theearth.
The Synod will vote today (Monday for them) on accepting or rejecting the Anglican Covenant though many of the dioceses have rejected it.
More news from Bosco Peters’ site here and the official news Anglican Taonga. From Facebook:
The proposed Covenant is set down for this morning. The motion declines to adopt the Covenant, but affirms the value of the Communion, asks the ACC reps to move a motion at ACC-15 affirming that refusal to adopt the Convention does not affect full membership of the Communion, and commits this Church to use processes similar to those in Section 3 if another church objects to what we plan to do.
There are likely to be amendments moved to “subscribe” to Sections 1 to 3, and to affirm the Instruments of Communion as they operate at present
Regards. From GS/#THW12
In England, the big issue is women in the Episcopacy. The Archbishop of Canterbury warns that not voting for the current legislation with bishops’ amendments will set it back years. Others feel that the bishops could withdraw the amendments and it can be considered at this Synod or the next one in the fall. Thinking Anglicans covers most of the stories on this topic:
Church Times reports that the ABC is saying “Don’t get depressed” with all this going on. The Telegraph also reports on the ABC’s warning to the church and that the legislation is likely to be sent back to the bishops.
The General Synod is likely to be asked to vote tomorrow on whether to adjourn giving final approval to legislation introducing women bishops.
A vote for an adjournment would mean the legislation would return in November for further consideration.
The Church of England later confirmed that the steering committee for the draft legislation would seek permission tomorrow to move that the final approval debate is adjourned. This would allow the bishops to reconsider their amemdment.
The Church of England website has a summary of Sunday’s work. Discussion were held on the role of the church in preventing riots such as occurred recently. “Testing the bridges: understanding the role of the church amidst riots, disturbances and disorder.” An audio of the session is here.