Letter from Bishop O’Neill of Colorado

From the Rt. Rev. Rob O’Neill of the Diocese of Colorado

Dear Friends,

Like many of you I awakened this morning to the news of the tragic shootings that took place overnight in Aurora, and as the morning has progressed I have followed with sadness the various news reports coming in as this tragedy continues to unfold.

Your colleagues in Aurora—Carol Meredith and Marionette Bennet at Saint Stephen’s; and Jim Gilchrist at Saint Martin’s—are actively engaged with young people, parents, teachers and others in the Aurora area, and they are providing wonderful pastoral leadership to folks within and beyond the scope of their parish communities. Michael Carney and Shanda Velisek from Saint Timothy’s in Centennial have been working the social media network and are in contact with a whole network of young folks from our summer mission trips and their friends.

We will certainly keep you posted as events unfold.

For now I write particularly to ask your prayers for those who are most directly affected by these shootings—those who are wounded, those who have died, emergency responders, medical and law enforcement personnel, and your colleagues and communities who are providing immediate pastoral care. The greatest gift we have to offer one another is indeed our collective prayer—not merely kind wishes, not simply good intentions, but deep prayer—the ability to hold, tangibly and intentionally, others in that abundant love that flows freely and gracefully within us and among us. This has substance. This has weight and heft. For it is the source of deep healing and lasting transformation.

Please make this your intentional practice, and please invite others to join you in doing the same today and in the days ahead.

Deep peace and many blessings be with you.


Bishop O’Neill

The Right Reverend Robert O’Neill

The Episcopal Diocese of Colorado

1300 Washington Street

Denver, CO 80203

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