5 new Young Adult Service Corps workers deployed

Five new workers in the Young Adult Service Corps sent to Kenya, Japan, Hong Kong and The Philippines:

Jenny Korwan’s Kenya Adventure Begins

YASCer Jenny Korwan is a native of Marietta, Georgia and has been an active member of St. Catherine’s Episcopal Church and Emmanuel Episcopal Church. Jenny studied social work at the University of Georgia. More…

Doug and Jenny Knight Arrive in Japan

Yesterday, Young Adult Service Corps missionaries Doug and Jenny Knight left for Japan. Doug and Jenny were born and raised in Arkansas and recently graduated from the University of Central Arkansas. They will be serving in Japan for a year. More …

Grace Flint Leaves for Hong Kong

Our second Young Adult Service Corps missionary of 2012-2013 has departed! Grace Flint, a member of Christ Church Cathedral in Louisville, Kentucky, graduated from Indiana University Southeast with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Grace will be serving at the Mission for Migrant Workers. More …

Andrew Joyce Leaves for the Philippines

Andrew Joyce – this year’s first Young Adult Service Corps missionary to depart — is in flight. Andrew is a member of Christ Church in Bowling Green, Kentucky. He studied English and Political Science at the University of Kentucky. More …

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