Talking about God and sex on campus

Here is a fascinating account of the conversations that students and the Rev. Kimberly Jackson are having about sexual ethics and their religious faith at the Atlanta University Center, which serves several universities in that city. An excerpt:

Week two’s discussion was a lively one. As a part of reflecting on a poem by Jane Kenyon called, “Cages” we shared a bit about the difficulties of “the long struggle to be at home in this body.” Then we shifted to a game in which teams competed against each other to write down as many slang words about parts of the human reproductive system as possible. We did something similar with the word “masturbation.” As a part of the discussion, we explored questions like: who makes up these slang names for the female genitalia? Are any of these words associated with violence? Who benefits from us using violent terms to describe sexual acts? Who doesn’t? We labeled diagrams with the proper clinical terminology for both the male and female reproductive systems. Then we concluded by reflecting on 1 Cor. 3:16 – “Your body is the temple of God.”

Hat tip: Episcopal Young Adult and Campus Ministries

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