Tweet me in St Louis: Episcopal CCABs joint meeting

The Committees, Commissions, Agencies and Boards (CCABs) are meeting in St Louis today to learn how to be a member of one of these groups. These are the people who keep the church on track between General Conventions. Twitter is carrying a live and lively sense of their time together. Follow them at #CCAB.

An interesting fact from the Twitter stream: Matthew Hall ?@hokmah Face-to-face meeting: about $1100/person. Adobe Connect access: $425/year. #dothemath #CCAB

A point that needs to be addressed is the current practice of ending service if a Deputy does not get re-elected for the next General Convention. Since they are appointed to serve after one General Convention, it seems they should serve until the next one begins. (This only applies to committees that require Deputy status.)

Tuesday evening there will be a live Tweet-up at 9:30 pm Central Time on Tuesday with hashtag #CCAB @HouseDeps – join the discussion.

From Monday evening and Tuesday morning:

Read up from bottom:

Dante Tavolaro ?@dantetavolaro I motion the PB Nominating committee meets at ECC Pascoag, RI. #CCAB #PB27

Kathryn Spicer ?@KathrynSpicer “The internet at a retreat center may be a little bit sketchy.” so we shouldn’t go there yes? #CCAB


T.J. Freeman ?@UbuntuWanderer No trips to Hawaii in February or Florida during spring break… disappointing but wise. #CCAB

Dante Tavolaro ?@dantetavolaro Bummer. No Florida during spring break or Hawaii in February meetings 🙁 #CCAB

Dante Tavolaro ?@dantetavolaro More meetings should be face to face at Marriott Hotels. I’m so close to gold elite status #CCAB

T.J. Freeman ?@UbuntuWanderer Imagine that in dog years… #CCAB

Kathryn Spicer ?@KathrynSpicer Is there anyway we can make the Blue Book technicolor next GenCon? #episcopal #CCAB #episcosass

Dante Tavolaro ?@dantetavolaro Jut teased with talk of the “blue book” I can’t wait to find out what color it will be. #CCAB #GC78

Louisa H ?@Louisa_JH I wonder what color the Blue Book will be-I’m voting for chartreuse! #GC78 #CCAB

Matthew Hall ?@hokmah Committee blue book reports are due Advent 2014 #notetoself #secretary #CCAB

Dante Tavolaro ?@dantetavolaro @_Barajas awesome job with the orientation. Glad it isn’t my job. #CCAB

Kathryn Spicer ?@KathrynSpicer I love that those who couldn’t follow what was just explained are being honest about it #episcopal #CCAB

Louisa H ?@Louisa_JH Now I completely understand the GCO Extranet! yesss. #CCAB

Matthew Hall ?@hokmah “Maybe your whole group has experience with Microsoft Visio” — really, what do you suppose the odds of a whole #CCAB knowing Visio are?

Evan D. Garner ?@EvanDGarner Lots of talk about scarce resources. I’m interested to see whether the motive for restructure is cost-cutting or effective ministry. #ccab

Dante Tavolaro ?@dantetavolaro Upload a square picture for your avatar. We wouldn’t want you head to get cut off. #CCAB

Dan Webster ?@RevWeb Can’t help but compare in my mind of #CCAB room in St Louis and @USCCB mtg in #Baltimore. Two churches. Such differing governance. Same Body

Matthew Hall ?@hokmah Okay, now: extranet introduction. Will this get more widespread use than it did this past triennium? #CCAB

Dante Tavolaro ?@dantetavolaro Next on the agenda: Using GCO Extranet #CCAB

Megan Castellan ?@revlucymeg If you want to be a secretary, you need to have a laptop. If you want Gregory Straub’s job, you need bow-ties, and awesome jackets. #CCAB

John B. Johnson, IV ?@BeRelevantTEC #ccab whew!

Robyn Barnes ?@theologybird This morning: Gregory (sans fabulous jacket) and committee structure and behavior 101. #ccab

Matthew Hall ?@hokmah How is anyone going to take Gregory’s place once he retires? #CCAB

Melodie Woerman ?@Melodie_Woerman At the #CCAB meeting in St. Louis, with dozens of Episco-peeps. General Convention Lite! CCAB=commissions, committees, agencies and boards.

Dante Tavolaro ?@dantetavolaro Just learned that if not re-elected to be GC Deputy from RI, I’ll have to resign from PB nominating committee. #CCAB

Kathryn Spicer ?@KathrynSpicer “Secretaries must be computer literate and own a laptop.” YES! #episcopal #CCAB

Robyn Barnes ?@theologybird Really happy that our secretaries are required to be computer literate. Little sad that it needed to be said. #ccab

Dante Tavolaro ?@dantetavolaro Pretty bummed that I’m the only Rhode Islander here. #CCAB

17m T.J. Freeman ?@UbuntuWanderer Secretaries must be computer literate and willing to being it to meetings. #CCAB #Episcopal

Robyn Barnes ?@theologybird “CCAB members should prepare for meetings….I know that sounds self-evident.” #notreally #ccab #episcopal

T.J. Freeman ?@UbuntuWanderer We are now playing “What is…?” with our host Gregory Straub. #CCAB #Episcopal

Dante Tavolaro ?@dantetavolaro CCAB orientation about to kick off for real. Disappointed in G. Straub’s jacket choice. #CCAB #PB27

Dan Webster ?@RevWeb Gregory Straub knows his stuff. Training #CCAB convenors. Glad to be sitting with Ethan Flad from FOR & #Anglican Intl Peace & Justice cmsn

3h Nancy Bryan ?@CPINancyB Joining #CCAB group in St Louis this morning. Looking forward to the conversation!

(Monday evening)

T.J. Freeman ?@UbuntuWanderer@dantetavolaro I was surprised that we didn’t open with Eucharist. #CCAB #Eucharist

Matthew Hall ?@hokmah I move that we move from #bigtent to the bar. We’re all here anyways, plus it’s warmer…. #CCAB

Matthew Hall ?@hokmah Best non-PB quote: “When I saw you reading The Economist in the Atlanta airport, I knew you must be an Episcopalian” #CCAB

Judy Stark ?@judystark General Convention Lite in St. Louis: Gathering of CCAB’s. Where is Scott Gunn when we need him? #CCAB

Dante Tavolaro ?@dantetavolaro I’m writing a resolution for GC78: RESOLVED that all TEC gatherings should include a celebration of Holy Eucharist. #CCAB

T.J. Freeman ?@UbuntuWanderer Can we now start referring to the ‘Grand Pavilion’ as the ‘Big Top’? #CCAB #Episcopal

Dante Tavolaro ?@dantetavolaro Church budget made this meeting possible. Too bad we didn’t have enough for heat. #frozenCCABs #CCAB

Matthew Hall ?@hokmah This #bigtent is cold and I didn’t bring a jacket…. #CCAB

Rebecca Wilson ?@rebeccacanticle @hokmah @JimNaught @jonmrichardson @revlucymeg @RevWeb @CPINancyB @gaycjen @SecDioVA @billjoseph @Melodie_Woerman @SamCandler, more. #CCAB

Dante Tavolaro ?@dantetavolaro Think pragmatically what do we need to do. We need to be awesome and holy ++KJS #ccab

Robyn Barnes ?@theologybird “Think about making policy that will bless the richness of God’s creation….think beyond what TEC is today.” PB #ccab #Episcopal

House of Deputies ?@HouseDeps PB asks us all to drop the phrase “national church” from our vocabulary. We’re not. #CCAB

Gay C Jennings ?@gaycjen @UbuntuWanderer @theologybird Salon D at 9:30 pm as long as previous meeting concludes in time. #CCAB

John B. Johnson, IV ?@BeRelevantTEC #ccab present…at opening plenary. Looking forward to meeting my other tweeters. #episcopal

Caitlin Frazier ?@OkieCaitlin “Social media is vital to the future of the church” – President of the House of Deputies #CCAB #EpiscopalChurch

Robyn Barnes ?@theologybird We are having a tweet up tomorrow 9:30pm location tba/d. #ccab

Robyn Barnes ?@theologybird “Our wonderful and peculiar Episcopal Church polity.” “Lay ppl and clergy voting to make changes” @gaycjen #ccab

T.J. Freeman ?@UbuntuWanderer @gaycjen opened the #CCAB event with a prayer in Maori. #kindaawesome #Episcopal

T.J. Freeman ?@UbuntuWanderer Greg Straub’s jacket is disappointingly tame this evening. #CCAB #Episcopal

Louisa H ?@Louisa_JH @episcopalchurch landed in St Louis for #CCAB meeting! Looking forward to working with everyone!

Andrew Crozier ?@therealcrozier back in the cheese whiz game. it goes great with instant coffee and low expectations. #ccab

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