Diocese of VA files gun resolution for annual Council

The Executive Board of the Diocese of Virginia has filed the following resolution: A Response to Gun Violence for consideration at the diocese’s Annual Council Meeting:

R3: Response to Gun Violence

Whereas, the Church is called to be the steward of God’s love and peace; and

Whereas, gun violence and its devastating consequences are an affront to God’s love and peace; and

Whereas, it is clear that relatively easy access to the increased firepower of assault weapons, semi-automatic firearms, high-capacity magazines and high-velocity ammunition heightens the risk of multiple gunshot wounds, critical injuries and death; and

Whereas, in the past 10 years stronger laws on gun ownership, gun sales and gun use have measurably decreased fatal mass shootings, firearm homicides, and firearm suicides in Australia and other countries; and

Whereas, since the previously existing federal ban on assault weapons in the United States expired in 2004, gun deaths and injuries in this country have increased; and

Whereas, the Episcopal Peace Fellowship and the Episcopal Public Policy Network are urging the reinstatement of the federal ban on assault weapons; now therefore be it

Resolved, that the Diocese of Virginia supports the strengthening and subsequent reinstatement of the federal ban on assault weapons; and be it further

Resolved, that the Diocese of Virginia opposes the repeal of any existing laws or regulations in the Commonwealth of Virginia that promote safety and responsibility in the purchase, possession, or use of firearms and ammunition; and be it further

Resolved, that the Diocese of Virginia supports additional state and federal firearm legislation including a ban on high-capacity magazines and high-velocity ammunition, which would promote the safety of God’s children; and be it further

Resolved, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Presiding Bishop’s office with a request that the Episcopal Church address the potentially preventable tragedies of gun violence including, but not limited to, the adoption of a clear policy stand against the sale and use of automatic weapons, high-capacity magazines and high-velocity ammunition.

Submitted by the Executive Board

Chicago Daily Herald reports on the current thinking by the Obama administration on lessening gun violence.

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