A reminder: Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and other leaders of the Episcopal Church have urged Episcopalians to contact their congressional representatives tomorrow on Interfaith Call in Day to prevent Gun Violence.
In a statement released on February 1, the Presiding Bishop wrote:
It is abundantly clear that Americans are ready to grapple with the complexities of gun violence. The Spirit is moving across this land to mobilize people of faith to act. I urge the United States members of this Church to call your federal legislators on Monday 4 February to express your concern and your expectation that gun violence be addressed. The outlines of the necessary policy decisions are clear and widely supported: limits on sales of military-style weapons and high-capacity magazines, effective background checks for all gun purchases, better access to mental health services, and attention to gun trafficking.
If you are new to telephone lobbying, the steps to follow, excerpted from the presiding bishop’s statement, are these:
Identify your members of Congress – In case you don’t already know who your members are, you can look them up here: http://whoismyrepresentative.com/ Have their names ready for Monday’s call-in day.
On Monday, February 4:
Call your members of congress – Dial 202.224.3121 (corrected) to reach the Capitol switchboard and ask for your member of Congress. When you are connected, tell the staff person:
“I am a constituent and an Episcopalian, and I am calling to urge [name member of congress here] to support policies that will change the culture of violence in our country. We need legislation that limits sales of military-style weapons and high-capacity magazines, requires effective background checks for all gun purchases, provides for better access to mental health services, and directs attention to gun trafficking.”
Complete contact information is here.
It isn’t hard. You can do it.