Flat Jesus: where will he go today?

St James Episcopal Church in Birmingham, Michigan has started a Flat Jesus project for summer. Take Jesus along with you wherever you go:

Do you sometimes wish that Jesus was right there beside you as you navigated through your day? He is, as FLAT JESUS. This visible expression of your faith is a great opportunity to create conversations with your friends & family as you take him with you.

Elizabeth Kaeton has already taken Flat Jesus around her town and offers some suggestions for activities with him:

I wrote the folks at St. James, explaining that I am not artistic but I’d love to be part of the Flat Jesus project and would they send me one?

around%20dublin%20050.jpgWell, I’m delighted to say that Flat Jesus arrived in today’s mail. He was in a plain manila envelope, marked in red “Handle with Care” and “Please do not bend” and (I can’t imagine what my postal carrier thought of this one) “Flat Jesus Enclosed.”

As you can see, I immediately tried to make him comfortable in our wee cottage on Rehoboth Bay. I’ve read fairly extensively about his life, and I know he likes nothing more than to par-tay. I mean, it’s fairly well known that he consorted with a few “sinners ” and “notorious types” back in the day.

I’ll have to take him to Rehoboth Beach, of course. I can’t wait to get an order of Boardwalk Fries, sit Flat Jesus next to me on the bench facing the ocean, and see what happens as tourists walk by.

And, I’ll have to take him to church with me on Sunday. It will be interesting to get his opinion on what we do together in His name.

See more photos and read more at her Telling Secrets blog

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