Episcopal priests throughout the country are hitting the highway to minister to bikers. From Episcopal News Service:
The Rev. Steve McCarty was inspired to begin a motorcycle ministry after another biker asked about the Episcopal shield on his jacket.
“I said, yeah I’m an Episcopal priest,” recalled McCarty, a biker since age 16. “We spent an hour and a half talking about his faith and how he’d been shunned from the church he was at, how they didn’t accept him, and he didn’t think he was good enough to go there.
“He knew Scripture. He said, ‘I need someplace where I can be accepted the way I am.’ I thought, maybe I’ll do something about it,” said McCarty, vicar at St. Andrew’s Church in Clear Springs, Maryland.
After creating a biker service at his church and reaching out in other ways to the motorcyle community, McCarty recalls a biker at a local rally once told him: ” ‘I’ve got tattoos, but my soul’s not tattooed.’ He asked for a blessing and I said yeah, I can do that.” Read full story here.