Emerging Church: seeing the underside and seeing God

The Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber (see her new book, Pastrix) is interviewed by Krista Tippett of public radios’s On Being at the Wild Goose Festival

Nadia Bolz-Weber is the tattooed, Lutheran pastor of the House for All Sinners and Saints in Denver, a church where a chocolate fountain, a blessing of the bicycles, and serious liturgy come together. She’s a face of the Emerging Church — redefining what church is, with deep reverence for tradition.

This is the unedited, unabridged version of their interview, recorded with a live audience at the Wild Goose Festival in Hot Springs, North Carolina.

Full length version below:

Seeing the Underside and Seeing God: Nadia Bolz-Weber with Krista Tippett at the Wild Goose Festival from On Being on Vimeo.

Grants are available from The Episcopal Church for new church initiatives. Deadline for application is September 28.

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