On being the first female bishop in Africa

“A year after her consecration, on 17th November 2012, Africa’s first female Anglican bishop, The Rt Revd Ellinah Wamukoya, Swaziland, speaks to ACNS’s Bellah Zulu.” From Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS):

It was very hard for me to accept the bishop ministry. I wondered why of all people, God had decided to call me. I did not feel adequate for such a ministry. But a lot of people approach me and said that God had shown them during their prayers that I would become the next bishop. But even then, it took a lot of prayer. My colleagues and I went into [a time of] prayer for about two months so that we could be sure about God’s call.

ImageGen.ashx.jpegWe will soon be unveiling our strategic plan, which is a management tool for us. I have also been able to do a lot of other things including confirmations. However, I have tried to emphasise the issues of transformation and not just reciting the catechism. I would like to see transformation in the Church and my message has always been about a renewed church. It’s been a message of being Anglican but doing things differently.

I have also been looking into ways and means of making the Church sustainable. I believe that as we grow spiritually, we should also become sustainable. Donors are going, as are the days of freebies. God has given us assets and they need to be used for the benefit of the Church. We want to improve the lives of the clergy and all the people of God.

Read it all here. Photo Credit ACNS.

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