Update: Here is the account of today’s proceedings on the website of the Ugandan Parliament. (11:10 a. m., EST)
The Ugandan Parliament has passed a bill that imposes life imprisonment as punishment for some homosexual activity, according to reports in that country’s media, and U. S. sources who have spoken to Ugandan leaders.
As with previous reports on this bill, pinning down what is actually in the legislation is difficult. Here are the reports we have seen so far:
New Vision, a Ugandan newspaper, reports that Prime minister Amama Mbabazhas said he wants further “consultation” on the bill. President Yoweri Museveni has not indicated whether he will sign the bill. However, he has said Museveni had indicated in the past that he did not favor the bill. However, Warren Throckmorton, a professor at Grove City College, (Pa.), who has followed various attempts to pass the bill over the past few years, says, “Museveni can only delay the bill; he cannot stop it under Uganda’s constitution.”
Throckmorton confirmed this morning with Helen Kawesa, spokeswoman for Uganda’s Parliament, that the bill had passed. (His detailed coverage of the saga is here. And the full text of the original 2009 legislation is here.)
The Twitter stream of Frank Mugisha (@frankmugisha), executive director of Sexual Minorities Uganda, is an excellent source of up to the minute news on this issue. Mugisha won the 2011 Robert F. Kennedy Award for Human Rights for his work on behalf of LGBT people in Uganda.
Mainstream news reports include those from the Associated Press, Al Jazeera and the BBC.
The Cafe has followed previous attempts to pass this legislation and some of our reporting is here, here , here and here.
Box Turtle Bulletin has done excellent reporting on this story, and readers seeking extensive background on the role of U. S. based evangelicals in promoting this legislation should read “Slouching Toward Kampala: Uganda’s Deadly Embrace of Hate”.