13 Best organizing moments in 2013

Buzzfeed reports on 13 progressive organizing moments of the year:

1. Love wins

From the Supreme Court to the states the long fight for marriage equality took a big turn in 2014. Adding just this year Rhode Island, Delaware, Minnesota, California, Hawaii, Illinois, and New Mexico to the list of marriage equality states.

2. Operation Butterfly

DREAMers fighting for immigration organized to put a face on immigration reform in what was called “Operation Butterfly.” United We Dream worked to reunite DREAMers with their parents who are trapped on the other side of the border. A powerful and amazing piece of organizing that landed them front page coverage on the New York Times and helped push comprehensive immigration reform through the Senate.

3. Moral Mondays in North Carolina

When right-wing legislators targeted voting rights, women, and families across the state with extreme legislation the people fought back — flooding the capitol and engaging in civil disobedience that drew national coverage to these attacks.

Read them all. Did you participate in any? Did the Episcopal Church?

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