Sunday, January 12, 2014 marks the fourth anniversary of the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti. In Haiti, the anniversary was marked by an understated ceremony in Léogâne– the epicenter of the 2010 quake–drawing together religious and governmental leaders for a ceremony of remembrance.
More than 200,000 people died in the earthquake four years ago, most of Port au Prince was destroyed, and international leaders pledged $14 billion over ten years to rebuild–though that money has been slow to appear.
Four years on, progress is not as fast as anyone would hope. Nearly 150,000 people remain displaced in-country, living in makeshift refugee camps, according to a story on NPR. They are registered with various NGOs, but they dwell in tent cities cobbled together on public land, with no water and no electricity. According to the estimates of the Haitian government, it would take roughly $800 a person to move them to permanent housing, mostly rent subsidies.
Read more here.