Burdened, not Blessed

A former missionary for the Presbyterian Church has some thoughts about the American habit of attributing all economic good fortune to God’s favor.

He argues that chalking up every stretch of good luck to divine blessing is bad theology; disrespectful to God and other people.

He says,

Second, and more importantly, calling myself blessed because of material good fortune is just plain wrong. For starters, it can be offensive to the hundreds of millions of Christians in the world who live on less than $10 per day. You read that right. Hundreds of millions who receive a single-digit dollar “blessing” per day.

During our year in Guatemala, Gabby and I witnessed first-hand the damage done by the theology of prosperity, where faithful people scraping by to feed their families were simply told they must not be faithful enough. If they were, God would pull them out of their nightmare. Just try harder, and God will show favor.

Read the whole article here.

How do you deal with this theology in your life?

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