Eve and Adam: next movie blockbuster?

With all the Bible based movies being released, Religion Dispatches asks if Adam and Eve will be the next one:

Sure, it was a joke when SNL did it—but is an actual Adam & Eve blockbuster in Hollywood’s future? On Saturday, Saturday Night Live guest host Lena Dunham starred in a digital short, riffing on the idea that Hollywood is currently obsessed with Bible stories, and that Dunham could channel her “Girls” persona (and trademark nudity) into the character of of Eve.

The irony here is that, if a major studio did decide to make an Adam & Eve film, it would probably be far less thoughtful than even this goofy parody. The sketch shows Dunham’s Eve questioning God’s edict about the tree of knowledge (“Are you saying that in like a, ‘I suggest you don’t,’ or in like a, ‘definitely don’t’ but with a side of ‘maybe do?’”) and suggesting that she shouldn’t get punished for creating original sin, because at least it was original. Like her show, Girls, this version of Genesis frames the story around a central female character, an unlikeable but relatable protagonist who’s just trying to figure it all out. When was the last time you saw a Hollywood blockbuster like that?

…we should never say never. Hollywood loves to deliver stories that people recognize, and sooner or later, Eden’s number will be up. It’s already come close. In 2010, Paramount and Reel FX announced that they were producing a “3D telling of the creation story” called In the Beginning. Not sure if that’s stuck in development hell (an appropriately Biblical term) or what, but that same year, Legendary Pictures scrapped plans for an all-star adaptation of Paradise Lost.

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