Summer of Scripture ’14!

Today is the kickoff for the Summer of Scripture in Madison, Wisconsin. Led by Jonathan Melton and Dorota Pruski, young adults from the University of Wisconsin Episcopal Student Center and St. Andrew’s Church are teaming up to read the entire Bible in one summer:

We know. It’s ridiculous. It’s also, well, reading. Fair enough. Additionally, though, it just *might* be life-giving, a goal worthy of your summer, and not nearly as impossible as it sounds. 🙂

Best of all: we’ll be making the journey together AND you can do it from wherever this summer finds you. Stay connected to fellow summer sojourners on the Summer of Scripture tumblr page:

Each month will be highlighted by a shared dinner at a different person’s home, where we’ll read that day’s reading, check-in, encourage one another, and enjoy each other’s friendships.

As of this this morning, more than 50 participants have signed up from different parts of the country. And it is not too late to get involved. For inspiration, more information about the schedule, and fellowship, please visit the Summer of Scripture ’14 Facebook event here.

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