All 4 Michigan bishops file Amici briefs for marriage equality

From the Diocese of Eastern Michigan comes this news:

All four bishops of the Episcopal dioceses in the state of Michigan have joined in filing an amicus brief in the Sixth Circuit Court supporting marriage equality for same-sex couples. The bishops unite with a range of religious groups and leaders in support of the plaintiffs in DeBoer v. Snyder, a case under consideration in the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.


From the amicus brief filed on June 16, “Religious freedom means that all voices may contribute to our national conversation, but particular religious perspectives on marriage cannot be permitted to control the civil definition of marriage for all.”

The Michigan Episcopal bishops include the Rt. Rev. Todd Ousley of the Diocese of Eastern Michigan, the Rt. Rev. Wendell Gibbs of the Diocese of Michigan, the Rt. Rev. Rayford Ray of the Diocese of Northern Michigan, and the Rt. Rev. Whayne Hougland of the Diocese of Western Michigan. Together, the bishops serve 227 congregations across the state. They have joined together on the issue of marriage equality before, working last March to issue a joint statement in support of Judge Friedman’s now contested ruling in DeBoer v. Snyder.

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