Breaking the silence on bisexuality in the Church

In the Episcopal Church, it is now widely accepted that affirming the full dignity of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons is a proclamation of God’s inclusion. However, few high-quality resources exist to equip congregations and faith leaders for the work of full inclusion and participation of bisexual people in the life of the Church.

The_bisexual_pride_flag_%283673713584%29.jpgAccording to Marie Alford-Harkey, the deputy director of the Religious Institute, bisexual people are often invisible within the broader movement for LGBT liberation in the Church. In order to address this concern Alford-Harkey and the Rev. Debra W. Haffner have written “Bisexuality: Making Visible the Invisible in Faith Communities” in order to to break the silence around bisexual people in the church. For Alford-Harkey,

The invisibility and even direct silencing of bisexual people can lead to great harm…In the silence, bisexual people are left wondering who will stand with them. Both in the faith world and the LGBT world there are great gaps in understanding.

For the full article on this new resource from the Religious Institute, please visit the Religious News Service here. On Wednesday, June 25, at 10:30 a.m. Eastern time, the Religious Institute will hold a press conference call and you may register here.

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