Americans have thoroughly mixed attitudes on racial discrimination

Here’s another interesting, and disturbing finding based in the Pew Research Center’s recently released “typology report.” Kevin Drum writes:

[O]ne result [of the survey] in particular has gotten a lot of play: the finding that more than 80 percent of conservatives believe that blacks who can’t get ahead are responsible for their own condition.

But I think that misstates the real finding of Pew’s survey: everyone thinks blacks who can’t get ahead are mostly responsible for their own condition. With the single exception of solid liberals, majorities in every other group believe this by a 2:1 margin or more. That’s the takeaway here.

Curiously, most Americans still support affirmative action on American campuses. Drum writes: “A sizeable majority of Americans may not believe that discrimination is the main reason blacks can’t get ahead, but apparently they still believe it’s enough of a problem to justify continuing efforts to help out.”

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