Robin Williams and my dad

The Rev. Churck Currie, a United Church of Christ minister, reflects on Robin Williams and his father:

Suicide is not sin, but what is sinful is allowing abuse to occur without intervention and without adequate funding for children’s programs that teach parental skills and identify troubled homes. Alcoholism is not sin but those corporations that target advertising marketing alcohol use at children and young people are committing sin. Not funding programs to research and treat abuse and addiction at adequate levels is sin.

Ultimately, my father, Robin Williams too, were responsible for their own choices. But it is hard not to acknowledge in a world of intolerable child abuse and addiction that we have all failed to create a world that provides everyone a fighting chance.

God is calling us in so many ways to create a newer world. A world where children don’t have to ask, is it my fault?

For the full article, please visit the Huffington Post here.

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