Napa church severely damaged in quake

Episcopal News Service reports on the earthquake damage to St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Napa.

While the outside of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Napa, California, looks perfect after the Aug. 24 magnitude-6 earthquake, the inside of the church is a different matter.

Organ pipes litter the chancel floor while others hang precariously from the organ loft, some bent like drinking straws. Right after the quake at about 4 a.m., when the Rev. Stephen Carpenter, St. Mary’s rector, and his daughter came to the church with flashlights to check for damage, all of the pipes were still in the loft.

Parish members have shoveled up the pieces of every single dish in the kitchen after the quake spilled them out of the cupboards. Back in the church, a mosaic of the Holy Spirit that had hung over the baptismal font since 1954 came off the wall. One large piece was found covering the font and the rest is in pieces on the floor of the nave. A Madonna statue on the church’s Mary Altar also broke when the shaking sent it tumbling to the ground.

St Mary’s Facebook page has photos.

Contributions to help cleanup and restore the church may be sent to:

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church

1917 Third Street, Napa CA 94559

(put earthquake fund in memo line)

PayPal link on website

From the local news station.

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