Prayers for our friends in Scotland

Prayers this evening for our friends in Scotland as they vote yes or no on independence from the UK Thursday September 18.

There are a variety of opinions on voting Yes or No.

Kelvin Holdsworth, provost of St Mary’s Cathedral in Glasgow says he will vote to stay with the UK.

Why saying No Thanks is the progressive option.

This is a golden time for democracy in Scotland. The media, the airwaves are full of political debate but more than that, the whole nation is debating what we should do next. Who wouldn’t want that new democratic passion to be spread wider than Scotland’s borders?

But just because I’m going to vote No, that doesn’t mean I don’t want change. I long for change – real change for the whole of the UK and the only way to still be able to influence the change I hope for is to say No Thanks to separation.

Canon Kenyon Wright, retired Scottish Episcopal priest, who oversaw devolution in the late 1990s, and now is in favor of independence:

The question on the voting paper is simple enough – but behind it lies an even simpler question which every Scot should be asking over the next month. It is this: “Where should the final word over Scotland be – in Westminster or in Scotland?”

Don’t listen to the propaganda. Don’t listen to the prophets of doom or to the promises of Utopia. Don’t listen to the fears. Don’t listen to the celebrities on both sides. Just listen to your heart and head as you answer one single simple question – who should decide for Scotland?

Scotland stands today at a crossroads of destiny, and the road we decide to take will affect the lives of all our people for generations. Before us are two roads. One is a continuation of the road already travelled. The other is a new way. But before we look at what these roads will mean, we must first look back over the long road we have come – because through our nation’s story there runs a golden thread that leads to us to today as we see how our history is relevant to the decisions we have to make now.

Read each for a better understanding of why people are voting one way or the other.

Image by LHVNews

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