Dean and President of General Seminary responds to community

A letter from the Dean and President received via email as distributed to students and members of the General Theological Seminary:

From: Kurt Dunkle

Subject: Monday at General

Dear everyone

I’m sorry I have not had an opportunity to communicate with you until

now. I know how rumors, suspicion, and even anger fill silence. No

doubt, I will not be able to address everyone’s concerns at once. But

I hope our time together last Friday after chapel and this brief

update are helpful. I believe the Chairman of the Board of Trustees

will have a further communication to you tomorrow or Tuesday.

Chapel: As worship is central at General, it seems fitting to begin

here. I know it would be tempting to politicize chapel in one way or

another. Please know that the only statement anyone is making by

coming to chapel is that you are worshiping Jesus and supporting the

worldwide Body of Christ. Chapel at General is all about Jesus.

Tomorrow is a major holy day: St. Michael and All Angels. As we have

been doing this semester, we will have Eucharist at 10:10am in lieu of

Morning Prayer. While we continue with our worship life, I am aware

that it is not without cost, particularly the absence of those usually

with us. Please keep that in your prayers.

Monday and Tuesday Classes: Some classes will meet tomorrow and

Tuesday and some will not. A few have changes. Here is a list:

– Classes taught by Professors Owens, McPherson, Silver, Young,

Kinman, Moore, and Kaalund will meet as usual.

– CS-1 will meet at the usual time and place and Professor Spellers

will join you for discussion.

– The Anglican Seminar (AS 594) will meet briefly in the afternoon to

discuss your class presentation schedule. Tomorrow I will contact

that class directly to set a good time and place for this brief


– CH-1 will meet on Tuesday with Professor McPherson.

– Any classes not listed here are postponed for tomorrow and Tuesday.

Over the next few days, the remaining faculty and I are working on how

to make sure that the momentum you have built in these first four

weeks is not lost. I will let you know more soon.

Board of Trustees/Executive Committee: I want you to know that the

Executive Committee of the Board has been meeting regularly during

this time. Their principal concern has been the welfare of our

students. They are all intensely aware of the interruption in your

education and formation and are working diligently to bring this

uncertainty to conclusion. Please keep them in your prayers as you

have been in theirs.

I know this limited email may be frustrating to some of you. But in

times of intensity like this, brevity and clarity are important so

that nothing is misunderstood. I hope to keep you updated regularly.

Thank you, everyone.


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